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Major Step Forward for Pacific High Commissioners Business Forum Concept

Major Step Forward for Pacific High Commissioners Business Forum Concept

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Since PEN's successful trade mission to Vanuatu in June, the idea of some kind of a permanent business forum has been given much consideration.

Dialogue with some Pacific High Commissioners based in Wellington, convinced us that the time was right to establish a Pacific High Commissioners Business Forum based in Wellington.

On 18 October a meeting was held at Minter Ellison Rudd Watts office in central Wellington. The meeting was attended by 3 Pacific High Commissioners and selected PEN members. Apologies were received from a further 3 High Commissioners who support the concept.

Central to the meeting was the input from three PEN members who participated and spoke about the results from the successful trade mission to Vanuatu last June.

It was decided by those present to establish an informal Forum consisting of Wellington based High Commissioners and PEN Members and supporters.

The Forum will aim to hold regular meetings to discuss business to business opportunities between NZ businesses and Pacific based businesses (through their NZ Based High Commissioners).

While NZ exports to the Pacific will be promoted, so too will Pacific exports to NZ, investment opportunities and other business related openings.

Discussions with the new Coalition Government are anticipated in early 2024. To PEN, it is plainly obvious that more business to business exchanges with Pacific countries are needed. The Forum hopes to fill that much needed gap.

The High Commissioners are more than capable of facilitating that gap. PEN looks forward to assisting that process in the future through its trade mission programme in 2024.



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