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New Caledonia Independence Election

New Caledonia Independence Election

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The results of Sunday's referendum indicate a vote for maintaining the existing relationship with France.

With the pro independence groups effectively boycotting the election, the 41% voter turnout leaves much still to be determined in this close neighbour of New Zealand.

We note that the Melenesian Spearhead Group has rejected the result. We are unsure what our Government thinks of the result, but will await that view with interest.

Without doubt, now is the time for cool heads to appraise what is happening.

Our view is that the Kanak people of New Caledonia need their views to be fairly expressed. The election may not have seen that happen.

As exporters, we would like to see the NZ Government open early dialogue with the New Caledonia administration. First up for discussion should be a free trade agreement.

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