Eleven joined in the 1 December Zoom meeting with David Dewar, the new NZ Trade Commissioner for the Pacific, based in Suva.
Details of David's remarks are posted below.
The meeting proved most helpful for our PEN members in understanding how NZTE plans to operate its Suva presence.
Due to Covid 19, David is working from home. He is available to NZTE Pacific exporters.
We are aiming to engage regularly with David in 2022.
At this stage we have identified several areas that PEN members would like to prioritise in its future interaction.
One is to achieve greater transparency for Pacific tenders that are issued by Pacific Governments.
Another is to have a pathway that NZ businesses can follow to gain access to opportunities that NZ's Official Development Assistance programme offers.
We think that having David in place and on the spot will serve PEN members well. Already some of our members have projects that they are working on with David's help.
In all a very useful Zoom session and we look forward to many more in 2022.
- Bridging the Digital Divide in the Pacific
- Time line to deliver a World Bank Project
- Major Step Forward for Pacific High Commissioners Business Forum Concept
- Is the EU Free Trade Deal worth while?
- Vanuatu Trade Mission - Results
- Vanuatu Trade Mission - June 2023
- Trade Mission to Vanuatu
- Breakfast Event - 5 April 2023
- Economic Briefing on Vanuatu via Zoom
- Fiji - Change of Government