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How might a successful PACER PLUS agreement impact on New Zealand’s Pacific exports?

How might a successful PACER PLUS agreement impact on New Zealand’s Pacific exports?


New Zealand is negotiating a trade and economic development agreement with other Pacific Islands Forum members called PACER Plus. Born of the original Pacific Agreement on Close Economic Relations (PACER) agreement, finalised in 2001, these negotiations were launched by Pacific Leaders at their 40th Meeting in August 2009. Underpinning the initiative was recognition by Leaders of the importance of deepening regional trade and economic integration as a means to create jobs, enhance private sector growth, raise standards of living and advance the region’s sustainable economic development.

Negotiators are working towards concluding the negotiations in 2015. The final agreement will span a wide range of issues including:

  • Regional labour mobility; development and economic cooperation

  • Rules of origin; customs procedures

  • Sanitary and phytosanitary measures

  • Technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures

  • Trade in goods

  • Trade in services

  • Investment.

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