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Review of Activities - Six months to 30 June 2022

Review of Activities - Six months to 30 June 2022


Our network reviews its activities every six months and reports to its paid up members.

A review has recently been undertaken. Its highlights are:

  1. Pacific countries have faced unusual circumstances since December 2021. Not only the volcanic eruption in Tonga has caused disruption, but China's moves in the Solomon Islands to secure a security agreement has seen follow up reactions from both Australia's new Government and the USA pledging to recommit to the Pacific. How this will play out is not known.

  2. New Zealand is well placed within these changing circumstances as it is seen more as a neutral broker.

  3. New Zealand's Pacific exporters have much to gain from participating in Pacific markets. With Pacific borders reopening. now is a good time to re engage with the region.

  4. To facilitate this, PEN has started working with both the NZTE Trade Commissioner in Suva and the ANZ Bank. The bank has branches throughout the Pacific and its regional managers are keen to work with NZTE and PEN to offer banking services and advice to help more NZ businesses engage in Pacific markets.

  5. NZ's exports to the Pacific region have remained at around the same level as they were 10 years ago. Politicians and officials seem unconcerned about this unsatisfactory situation. As we are facing supply line constraints, a more competitive China within the region, coupled with the flow on effects of the war in Ukraine, PEN is of a view that accelerated efforts to open Pacific markets to NZ businesses is important.

  6. Looking ahead, PEN will seek to increase its influence to make is easier for NZ Businesses to improve their Pacific export prospects. It aims to work with the NZ Trade Commissioner in Suva (who covers the entire Pacific region) and the ANZ Bank to encourage NZ business engagement in the region. This will be done via frequent Zoom economic briefings for Pacific countries. These briefings will be updated regularly.

  7. In addition PEN will seek to arrange trade visits to the region and facilitate more business engagement over the next year.

A further review will be carried out in December and our progress on these matters can be judged.

We welcome inquiries from any businesses wishing to work with us on this.

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