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Luncheon event, 19 September

Luncheon event, 19 September


As blog posts go this might seem a bit formal, but our new website needs a workout and what better way to do it than plug this important event?

The Network invites you to a luncheon event which features John Hayes MP for Wairarapa. John is Parliamentary Private Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Chairperson of Parliament’s Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee.

We have asked John to share his extensive knowledge of the Pacific and its export opportunities with us. He will touch on whether New Zealand can increase its present level of exports to the region.

John’s presentation is very relevant to the Network’s vision to contribute toward the Government’s Business Growth Agenda by working towards the doubling of New Zealand’s present level of exports to the Pacific within five years.

A short question and answer session will follow John’s address.

In addition we will update attendees with a report on the progress we are making in establishing the Network. This will include a presentation on this new website.

As we will be guests of WelTec’s School of Hospitality, we will be served a two course meal prepared by the students of the training school in its restaurant.

As the Training Restaurant can take 40 diners we recommend that you register as soon as you can for this not to be missed special event.

Late registrants cannot be guaranteed a place.

Venue: School of Hospitality, 3rd Floor, 54 Cuba Street, Wellington
Date: Thursday 19 September 2013
Time: R Registration from 11.45am
Pre lunch drinks and networking from midday
Lunch from 12.30pm
Speakers from 1pm
Event concludes at 2pm (approx)
Cost: A cash bar will operate for pre lunch drinks
Lunch $25 per person (GST included)

Payment Options:

Payment Option 1:

Internet Banking (preferred method)
ANZ Account – 01 0564 0084895 00
(Meridian Developments Limited)
Please include your name in the reference field if using this option to pay.

Payment Option 2:

Cheque – Deposit to same account as above with your name in the reference field.

Payment Option 3:

Cash – Please pay cash when registering at the venue.
Treat this as a tax invoice when paid – GST No 27-264-006


If you wish to attend please register with Charles Broad by Tuesday 17 September at the latest. When registering please nominate your preferred payment option.
As spaces will be limited we will operate a first accepted method of registering.

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